Laser Hair Removal – Is Laser Hair Removal Right For You?

Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is a safe and effective way to reduce or remove unwanted body hair. This procedure uses pulses of laser energy to target and destroy the hair follicle, leaving the surrounding skin undamaged.Laser Hair Removal

Only hair with pigment can be treated by the laser, so if you’ve been tweezing or waxing recently, it’s best to wait before getting your first treatment.

Laser hair removal is a safe and effective treatment for unwanted hair. It is a medical procedure performed by dermatology professionals with the appropriate training and certification. It is a minimally invasive procedure that requires no downtime and is a great option for patients looking for a permanent solution to excessive hair growth. However, it is important to remember that the heat generated by the laser light destroys a hair follicle, and that does not stop other hair from growing in its place. Depending on your genetic predisposition and hormone changes, you may still experience excess hair growth.

Before you undergo laser hair removal, it is important to prepare by shaving the area being treated. This is so that the laser can accurately target the hair follicle beneath the skin’s surface. It is also recommended that you avoid other hair removal methods, such as waxing and plucking, since these can interfere with the laser’s effectiveness. Additionally, you should avoid tanning the areas of your body that will be treated prior to the procedure, as this can discolor the skin and affect your results.

The doctor will also review your medical history to ensure that you are a good candidate for laser treatment. Women who are pregnant or nursing should not receive laser hair removal. In addition, individuals with a history of keloid scarring or other skin disorders are not suitable candidates for the procedure. Finally, people who are taking Accutane or any other medications that warn against sun exposure should not receive laser hair removal treatment, as it could be very dangerous for your skin health.

During the laser hair removal procedure, a specialist will apply an anesthetic to the treated area to prevent any discomfort. The doctor will then use a handheld laser device to gently move over the surface of your skin, targeting each individual hair follicle and destroying them. The number of treatments required for optimal results varies from person to person, but generally speaking, most people will need four or more treatments for maximum hair reduction.

It’s Effective

Laser hair removal is one of the fastest and most effective forms of permanent hair reduction. It works by targeting dark pigmentation in the hair follicle, which then destroys the follicle and prevents future growth of unwanted hair. The result is a smooth and hair-free appearance. The procedure is much faster than traditional methods like shaving and waxing. It also produces better results with less discomfort and in fewer sessions.

During a laser session, you will wear protective eyewear to protect the surface of your eyes from the light produced by the laser. The practitioner will apply a cooling gel to the area to reduce pain and skin reaction, and then direct the laser’s light at the problem hair growth areas. The light energy is delivered in a series of pulses that penetrate the target, destroying it and preventing further hair growth.

Most people need between five and six treatment sessions to achieve their desired results. This depends on your hair color and coarseness, the area of the body being treated, and your hormonal influences. Once the sessions are completed, you will need to schedule regular follow-up treatments every four to eight weeks to prevent the hair from regrowing.

When you have a treatment, it is important to follow the doctor’s instructions before and after the session. This includes not tanning or using a self-tanner in the weeks leading up to the procedure. It is also important to avoid plucking and waxing the area in between sessions.

You might experience red or swollen skin immediately after the session, but these symptoms are temporary and should subside with the use of a moisturizer that contains aloe. The doctor might also prescribe a topical cream or steroid lotion if needed to treat a skin reaction.

When you choose who is going to perform your laser hair removal, look for a doctor or practitioner who is registered with a professional organization that sets standards in training and skill. Avoid practitioners who only take short, informal courses and do not have any formal qualifications. It is also a good idea to check their reputation before booking your appointment.

It’s Fast

Laser hair removal is a quick procedure that requires less upkeep than other options like shaving, waxing, creams and threading. With a treatment taking only a few minutes per area, it’s a convenient way to remove unwanted hair quickly and easily in a time-efficient manner. Depending on your skin complexion, tone and hair color, you may need 4-6 sessions for optimal results.

Before your treatment, your dermatologist will ensure that the device being used is the right fit for your needs and will be effective in targeting your hair follicles. They’ll also note your medical history to ensure you can safely undergo laser treatment and don’t have any health concerns that could affect your results.

During the treatment, your technician will apply a cooling gel to the surface of your skin and put on protective goggles to protect your eyes from the laser light. They’ll then give your treatment area a pulse of laser light. The laser will target your hair follicles and destroy them. The light pulses feel similar to a warm pinprick, but you shouldn’t experience much discomfort during your laser treatment session.

You might notice redness and swelling after your treatment, but these symptoms should subside within 12-24 hours. Avoid sun exposure and tanning during this time to help your skin recover from the treatment. If you have sensitive skin, a topical anesthetic can be applied before your treatment to reduce discomfort.

If you’re considering laser hair removal, make sure you only get it from a certified dermatologist or plastic surgeon. Choosing a reputable medspa or clinic is another option, as these facilities are often overseen by a physician and follow high standards of hygiene and safety.

It might take a few weeks before you begin to see the results of your laser hair removal, as some areas will naturally shed or fall out. However, once you start to see the difference, you’ll be amazed at how easy it is to keep your body free of unwanted hair.

Before your first appointment, shave the area that you’ll be treating two to three days before your treatment. Avoid waxing, plucking and shaving in the treatment area, as it will reduce the effectiveness of your laser hair removal treatments.

It’s Affordable

With its ability to reduce and eliminate unwanted hair, laser hair removal can be a long-term savings over the cost of shaving, waxing, or other hair-removal products. Plus, it’s less painful than other treatments.

A dermatologist or trained laser technician performs the treatment. They will place a cooling gel on the skin, or use a special device to protect the eyes, and then gently pulse the laser light over the area. The laser light heats up and destroys the pigment in your hair follicles, preventing them from producing more hair. After a few treatments, you’ll have noticeable reduction in the number of hairs in the area, and in the thickness or frequency of growth.

You’ll also see the hairs that have been destroyed begin to fall out, giving the appearance of a bare or smooth area. Some patients need up to 10 sessions to achieve a noticeable, long-term hair reduction. This is because not all hair follicles are destroyed with just one session, and the cycle of hair growth does not stop after just one treatment.

Before you can get started with the treatment, a dermatologist will conduct a comprehensive skincare consultation. They will determine if the procedure is right for you, and review your skin’s health and history to ensure you can safely undergo laser treatment. This includes avoiding sun exposure and using sunless tanning products, which can cause darkening of the skin or increase the sensitivity of your skin to the laser.

During your treatment, your dermatologist may apply a topical pain-relieving gel before the treatment to ease any discomfort. They will then use the laser light over your skin, allowing the laser to target the pigment in the hair follicles and destroy them. The process is quick and relatively painless for most patients, but it does take a little bit longer than shaving or waxing. If you’re undergoing large body areas, it can take up to an hour or more to complete your full treatment session.

If you’re ready to say goodbye to razor bumps, ingrown hairs, and strawberry skin, contact us today at Bared Monkey! We’ll be happy to provide you with a free consult and customized treatment plan.